
submitted #Keymotion App as a control Keynote by #LeapMotion to #Airspace

Previously, I were introduced to the program that can be control Keynote by LeapMotion(blog in Japanese), but was submitted to the Airspace in the App! What's App? By the swipe on the LeapMotion, you can control the Keynote. #LeapMotion Ke…

#LeapMotion でKeynoteスライドショーしてみましたよ

話題のLeapMotionが届いたのでさっそくKeynoteのスライドショーを制御してみました! 会社のカフェを借りて動画を撮ったので、まずはそちらを見ていただくと何ができるかすぐ分かっていただけると思います! #LeapMotion Keynote slideshow using Leap Motio…